Sunday, May 30, 2010

Today in Relief Society, 30 May 2010

Today the Bishop conducted a combined RS/Priesthood meeting. To begin, the Bishop had Bro. Brown read the following quote;

"The need today for Christlike love is as great as or perhaps even greater than when the Savior walked on this earth. As shepherds we must understand that we should nurture each one of our sheep to bring them to Christ, which is the purpose of all we do in this Church. . . As we stay in tune with the needs of the people, we can strengthen them and help them overcome their challenges, so they will remain steadfast in the way which will lead them back to our Heavenly Father's presence and help them endure to the end." Ulisses Soares, "Feed My Sheep," Ensign, Nov. 2005, 98

He then asked how can we strengthen and help our ward family overcome their challenges, especially those who are not joining us on a regular basis?

Bishop Bonham then had President Shaw give us a list of fundamental, basic things we should do every day to strengthen our own foundation. These included; prayer and scripture study (both individual and family,) paying a full tithe, going to the temple regularly, keeping our baptismal covenants, and keeping the spirit in our home. By following this list and nurturing our own testimonies, we can better serve and nurture those around us.

It was brought up that it is important to remember not to beat yourself up when you can't meet all of your own expectations in accomplishing the items on this list.

The Bishop then said; "We are constantly striving to better understand the needs of the ward and it's members and to be in tune with the spirit to know how to serve it/them better." With that in mind, there were several resources discussed to better serve and nurture our ward, the members, our families, and ourselves. The list we came up with included the following;
Extended family- don't assume what their response will be to your inquiries.
Visiting Teachers/Home Teachers- allow others the opportunity to serve. When they ask what they can do to help, don't automatically say "nothing, I'm fine." They can not address your needs if they do not know what they are.
Relief Society sisters and Priesthood brethren- a ward is a family. Just like in any family, the more effort you put into the relationship, the stronger your bond will be. Work to build friendships in and outside of the church.
The Internet- there are a LOT of spiritually uplifting and helpful web sites available. The church now has numerous web sites to help nurture it's members and others. , , , , , to name a few. There are also unlimited blogs and family web sites available. Also, social networking sites can be a tool in reaching out to members.

In conclusion, the Bishop stated that "We [as a ward] need to fight together, help each other, and support each other" as we strive to build the kingdom.

Have you done any good in the world today? Dede B.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Relief Society Lesson 23 May 2010

Our lesson was taught by Sis. Heintz, and was based on President Eyring's October 2009 talk "Our Perfect Example."
Moroni 7:48 says “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."
All of us have different circumstances and problems. We all want to become better, smarter, more than we are. And, we all can. Through living the gospel of Jesus Christ, our perfect example, we can become more like our Savior.

President Eyring recalled an experience of listening to a group of children singing "I'm Trying to be Like Jesus." Many of us are familiar with the lyrics;
I’m trying to be like Jesus; I’m following in his ways.
I’m trying to love as he did, in all that I do and say.
At times I am tempted to make a wrong choice,
But I try to listen as the still small voice whispers,
“Love one another as Jesus loves you.
Try to show kindness in all that you do.
Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought,
For these are the things Jesus taught."
President Eyring said of the experience; "It seemed to me that they were not just singing; they were declaring their determination. Jesus Christ was their example. To be like Him was their fixed goal. And their eager looks and their shining eyes convinced me that they had no doubts. They expected to succeed. They believed that the instruction of the Savior to be perfect was not a hope but a command. And they were sure He had prepared the way."
What strikes me about this song, is the title...I'm TRYING to be like Jesus. None of us is capable of perfection. Our Heavenly Father made us that way. If we were able to be perfect on our own there would be no room in our lives for the atoning sacrifice of our Savior. That is not the plan! That is not how it is supposed to be. Aren't we lucky that we have the gospel and example of Jesus Christ to help us on our mortal path? The "grown up" version of this song, so to speak, would be "Lord, I Would Follow Thee." Read through the lyrics below and you will see how the two songs basically say the same thing.
Savior, may I learn to love thee,
Walk the path that thou hast shown,
Pause to help and lift another,
Finding strength beyond my own.
Savior, may I learn to love thee-
Lord, I would follow thee.

Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can't see.
Who am I to judge another?
Lord, I would follow thee.

I would be my brother's keeper;
I would learn the healer's art.
To the wounded and the weary
I would show a gentle heart.
I would be my brother's keeper-
Lord, I would follow thee.

Savior, may I love my brother
As I know thou lovest me,
Find in thee my strength, my beacon,
For thy servant I would be.
Savior, may I love my brother-
Lord, I would follow thee.

President Eyring also said "Just as Jesus used a child in His mortal ministry as an example for the people of the pure love they must and could have to be like Him, He has offered us the family as an example of an ideal setting in which we can learn how to love as He loves.
That is because the greatest joys and the greatest sorrows we experience are in family relationships. The joys come from putting the welfare of others above our own. That is what love is. And the sorrow comes primarily from selfishness, which is the absence of love. The ideal God holds for us is to form families in the way most likely to lead to happiness and away from sorrow. A man and a woman are to make sacred covenants that they will put the welfare and happiness of the other at the center of their lives. Children are to be born into a family where the parents hold the needs of children equal to their own in importance. And children are to love parents and each other."
I especially like the line that states that "joy comes from putting the welfare of others above our own. That is what love is."
Have you ever heard it put so simply, so succinctly, so perfectly? It's simple. Joy+Service= Love. Sorrow +Selfishness= No Love. We can honor and respect others as Christ would have us do. He is our perfect example in deed, AND in thought. We can learn to love others as our Savior loves them. We can also learn to love ourselves as the Savior loves us.
President Eyring also spoke of the following; "There is a gravestone near my home of a mother and grandmother. She and her husband were sealed in the temple of God to each other and to their posterity for time and all eternity. The inscription on the gravestone reads, “Please, no empty chairs.” She asked for that inscription because she knew that whether the family will be together depends on the choices each family member makes. The word “please” is there because neither God nor she can compel another to choose happiness. And there is Satan, who wants misery, not happiness, in families in this life and in the next." What have you done that makes you worthy to be at the Lord's table today? Dede B.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Family in need

For any one who is able to help, there is an account set up at any First Federal branch for the Stollar Family.They are the family who lost everything they owned in the house fire on Pierson Road. Many of our children may know one or two of the 5 children as they attend Greywolf, Sequim High and Sequim Middle School. The mom's name is Kelly Morrison. The children are Travis, Brandon, Kelsey, Mason, and Wyatt. The Olympic Rehab is also collecting things for the family. Sherry Soderberg's sister Debbie works there, her email is  she can tell you what has been collected and what is still needed.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Relief Society Lesson 16 May 2010

Our lesson, CH.10 The Scriptures, was taught by Nicky Newell. We talked about the four standard works, the Bible, the Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.
The Bible is broken into two parts, the Old Testament, and the New Testament.
The Old Testament contains sacred writings from Adam to Christ, and foretells of the coming of a Savior.
The New Testament tells of the life of the Savior, and His church in that day.

The Book of Mormon chronicles Christ's visit to the Americas.
It shows us a pattern for preparing for the second coming.
The Book of Mormon gives us power to resist temptation, avoid deception, and stay on the path of righteousness.
It is the keystone of our belief, giving us; witness of Christ, doctrines of salvation, and the basis of our testimony.

The Doctrine and Covenants provides revelations for the restored Church of Jesus Christ.
It teaches glorious truths regarding the nature of Christ.
It gives us prophecies of events to coms, and shed lights on prophecies of the bible.

The Pearl of Great Price gives us insight into the creation and the priesthood.
It contains a history of the church, as well as the Articles of Faith.

All of these beautiful works draw us to Christ. They help us to learn and feel the truth of the gospel.

Studying the scriptures every day can help us to share these truths with our children.

Inspired words of our living prophets become scripture for us today. The other day, my newborn was crying unconsolably and my three year old was having a temper tantrum. I began reading aloud the Conference talks from the May Ensign just to keep my sanity. I hoped that they would realize that I was not going to stop just because they were having fits. Suddenly after about 4-5 minutes I realized the room had fallen silent. The boy was sitting quietly, and I looked down to see the baby staring at me. She seemed to really be listening to the words. Her eyes had a glimmer of recognition. I don't know if she could really understand what was being said, but I truly believe she understood that she was hearing the words of our Prophet and his apostles. It was a spiritual moment that bring tears to my eyes even remembering it now.
Have you allowed the scriptures to bring spiritual blessings to you today? Dede B.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Relief Society Lesson 9 May 2010

Our lesson was taught by Sis. Sherry Soderberg, and was based on Chapter 9 of the Gospel Principals lesson manual. The lesson was on Prophets. We started by talking about our "first" prophets. Who is the first prophet you remember? Who is "your" prophet. In my life, I have been truly lucky to have been able to have several truly remarkable prophets leading the church. Sister Soderberg told us about when she was a new member of the church. She had only been a member for about a year, when she had the opportunity to attend a session of General Conference in person. Between sessions, she was walking in temple square, and saw a large group of people. Upon going closer, she saw that the group was surrounding President and Sister Kimball. Sis. Soderberg was able to shake the hand of the living prophet. While he was shaking her hand, President Kimball said to her "You are a new member of the church." At that point Sis. Soderberg KNEW that he IS a prophet of God. How amazing it must have been to speak to, touch, and witness revelation from the living prophet. The manual says "Many people live in darkness, unsure of God's will. They believe that the heavens are closed and that people must face the world's perils alone. How fortunate are the Latter-day Saints! We know that God communicates to the church through His prophet." It is also important to note that the prophet is the only living prophet on earth. That means he is the prophet for all people, whether they are members of the church or not. Whether they know or believe it or not. The prophet's council applies to ALL people, not just Latter-day Saints. Think about all that the prophet is asked to do. Every moment of his life, from the moment he is ordained, until the last moment of his earthly life, he serves all of us. It is a HUGE sacrifice, and it is made out of love for all people. How does the prophet speak to God? The same way you do! Each of us can go to our Heavenly Father in prayer. We are entitled to personal revelation. The prophet receives revelation for all of us. The manual says "NO person except the chosen prophet and president can receive God's will for the entire membership of the church...Many people find it easy to believe in the prophets of the past. But it is much greater to believe in and follow the living prophet." The prophet is the mouthpiece of the Lord. He will not give us instruction that is not from the Lord. President Wilford Woodruff said; " The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this church to lead you astray. It is not in the program. It is not in the mind of God. If I were to attempt that, the Lord would remove me out of my place." EVERYTHING the prophet instructs us to do is to bring us closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sister Soderberg also gave us an assignment. I will put her words here.
"Sisters, Today's lesson is about the Prophets and how we can support the Prophet. Last week we talked about how we can love our sisters, and how we can support our sisters when we only see them on Sunday. Well there is a way...every sister will have a secret sister praying for her every day. When you are having problems with life, you will know that yo have a secret sister praying for you. Last conference, said in his talk "YOU are my hands," "Every day, as we contemplate with reverence and awe how our Savior embraces us, comforts us, and heals us, let us commit to become His hands, that others through us may feel His loving embrace." Sisters, let the sisters feel that embrace through your daily prayer for your secret sister. In the holy name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen. "

There were far more names available than there were people to take them. So, if you are reading this and did not take a name (or two,) PLEASE call Sis. Soderberg and ask her for a name. What a wonderful way to show love for our sisters. Praying costs us nothing and is worth much. Even if you can not do anything physically or financially, you can plead with our Heavenly Father for the blessings our sisters need. The bible dictionary says of prayer; " The object of prayer is not to change the will of God, but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant, but that are made conditional on our asking for them. Blessings require some work or effort on our part before we can obtain them. Prayer is a form of work, and is an appointed means for obtaining the highest of all blessings." What blessings might our sisters be missing simply because we are not asking for them? Dede B.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Relief Society Lesson 2 May 2010

Our lesson was taught by Heather Consoliver, the newest member of the RS presidency. The theme of the lesson was welcoming sisters to Relief Society, whether it be from Young Women's, new members, returning members, etc. Sis. Consoliver quoted a talk by James E. Faust entitled “What It Means to Be a Daughter of God,” (Ensign, Nov 1999.)
" The new declaration of the Relief Society begins, “We are beloved spirit daughters of God.” To be a daughter of God means that you are the offspring of Deity, literal descendants of a Divine Father, inheriting godly attributes and potential. To be a daughter of God also means that you have been born again, changed from a “carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness."

We need every sister to realize that we are all "beloved spirit daughters of God." Each of us has divine potential. President Spencer W. Kimball said "I wonder if women who do not participate in Relief Society realize the great promises that come with their membership."

How can we help each sister in our area, whether members of the church or not, to want to come to Relief Society? Sis. Consoliver said that we can express love, invite and remind, and show kindness, but like any other principal we need to gain a testimony of the importance of Relief Society. Sis. Consoliver spoke of a survey done on a group of Young Women coming into Relief Society for the first time. Most expressed that when they came to Relief Society the first time, if someone sat with them, it made them feel welcome and more apt to come.

It is important that we make sure each sister knows that she has a place in Relief Society, even if she is serving in a Sunday calling that takes her out of Relief Society.

We also spoke of the importance of service when trying to bring our sisters into Relief Society. We never fully know the impact our service can have on another. Several sisters shared stories of how Relief Society sisters served them in love and kindness. It is important to remember that service will probably not ever be convenient. Part of what makes an act of service so valuable is the aspect of sacrifice it requires. Don't just ask what you can do...think of something appropriate and go do it!

I hope that each of you knows that you are an important part of our Relief Society. The RS presidency loves each of you and misses you when you are not in Relief Society. Who do you know that could benefit from learning of their divine potential by joining us in Relief Society? Dede B.