Sunday, February 7, 2010

How do we show love?

Today in Relief Society, Sis. Brown gave a lesson on showing love. First, we got a handout that talked about the five different languages of love.
These are; #1 Words of Affirmation (saying "I love you", words of praise, etc.)
#2 Quality Time (spending time together in a meaningful way.)
#3 Gifts (doesn't have to be extravagant, can just be a note or something you've made.)
#4 Acts of service (doing things for another's benefit.)
#5 Physical Touch (hugs, kisses, etc.)
Not everyone expresses love the same way. For one person, they might need to hear the actual words "I Love you." But, if their husband/ visiting teacher/ neighbor expresses love through quality time, the first person might not understand that the other is actually expressing love.

Next, we talked about ways we can show love for our family. These ideas (from the sisters in the room) included;
Listening to each other
Saying "I love you"
Explain your words/actions if you feel you are not speaking the same "love language."
Help w/housework, homework, etc.
Give service
Compliment often and in public
Try to understand how they communicate and allow them to do so
Teach/lead by example
Brag about them to others
Allow them to "lean" on you. (This came from a story about how one sister's teenaged sons would not allow her to hug them in public, they just leaned into each other's shoulders instead. But, whether literal or metaphorical the advice still works!)
Allow Holy Ghost to guide us

Then, we talked about how we can show love for those around us. Specifically how we can fellowship non-members, inactive members, or sisters who chose not to attend RS on Sunday. These ideas included;
Offer help and support, and mean it
Make an effort to reach out; call, write, stop by
Take an interest in their family, their hobbies, their work
Notice them (especially true for new move in's or visitors)
INVITE them to RS on Sunday or weekday activities
Check up often
Be there when they need your help
Ask for help from others if you are not making the difference
Be a "friend" not an "acquaintance."

One sister brought up the idea that Visiting Teachers are "friends by assignment." Get to know the sisters you visit. If they are not interested in having a "Visiting teacher," then just offer to be a friend.

Love can make the difference, love is a verb meant to be an action. Loving our neighbor is a commandment from the Lord. Jesus explains that Loving thy neighbor is the second most important commandment surpassed only by loving God in Matthew Chapter 22:36-39:
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great acommandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt alove thy neighbour as thyself.

Love is so important that according to Wikipedia, it is mentioned in the KJV of the Bible 555 times. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf says "We are created in the image of our Heavenly parents; we are God's spirit children. Therefore, we have a vast capacity for love- it is part of our spiritual heritage. What and how we love not only defines us and individuals; it also defines us as a church. Love is the defining characteristic of a disciple of Christ." (The Love of God, Ensign Nov. 2009, 22) Dede B.

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